
How To Draw Dot Warner

Dot Warner
  • 1993

  • 2020


Dot 2020 season 1 poster art.png
Full Name Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca Warner III
Relationships * Lon Borax (Creator)
* Unnamed Parents (Sometimes)
* Yakko Warner (Brother)
* Wakko Warner (Brother)
Segment Yakko, Wakko, and Dot
First Episode De-Zanitized
Voice Actor Tress MacNeille
See the "Voices" section for more information
Catchphrases "Boys, (go fig)."
"Call me Dottie, and you die."
"Hellooo Nurse!"
"And I'm cute!"
"It's just a little thing I do!"
" ...And the Warner sister!"

"And the Warner sister!"
- Dot Warner

Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca III, (a.k.a. Dot Warner), is the youngest Warner sibling and one of the protagonists of the TV series Animaniacs and its reboot (along with her brothers Yakko and Wakko). She is an anthropomorphic cartoon of undetermined species.

As she is the only girl in her family, she often refers to herself as "and the Warner sister!" She is also the self-proclaimed cutest character on the show and takes great pride in her appearance, as well as her sardonic wit.


  • 1 Appearance
    • 1.1 Species
  • 2 Description
  • 3 Personality
    • 3.1 Moral Code
  • 4 History
    • 4.1 Family
    • 4.2 Creation to Tower
    • 4.3 Known Escapes
    • 4.4 Original Series
    • 4.5 Wakko's Wish
    • 4.6 Reboot
  • 5 Appearances
  • 7 Voices
  • 8 Trivia
    • 8.1 In-Universe
    • 8.2 General
  • 9 Gallery
  • 10 References


Dot has primarily black fur, red nose and white feet. She wears a short pink skirt, as well as using a yellow flower with an orange pollen on the center to tie back her ears, similar to a ponytail. The flower has five petals in the original series and four in the reboot.


The Warner siblings' species is never specified, much to the confusion of the other characters. When asked what they are, the Warners will never give a clear response, with their main answer simply being that they are the Warner brothers and the Warner sister; some other responses include "cute"[1] and "infested with fleas."[2]

They siblings have explicitly specified that they are not: bees, bugs, bunnies, cats, dinosaurs[1] dogs,[3] eels, horses,[1] monkeys,[4] penguins, seals or skunks.[1] The siblings, mainly Wakko, do show traits of some of these animals, though; the siblings have been seen howling like wolves[5] or stretching like cats.[6] Wakko especially tends to show canine traits, such as barking, chasing frisbees,[7] or doing tricks for treats.[8]

The Warners seem to have some idea of what they are, though they also do not know entirely, as Dot questioned if their DNA test could reveal such information.[9] Wakko says that he is 5% salamander, before demonstrating an ability to remove and regrow his tail.[10] He also states that he and his siblings are infertile "like mules;"[11] the reference to mules implies that, like them, the Warners are some kind of hybrid. They also do not rule out the possibility of being related to humans.[9]

Series creator Tom Ruegger says that the Warners are simply toons, and that their species is cartoonicus characterus.

Dot's signature.


Dainty, demure and deliciously witty, this precocious little sweetheart is seriously cute...and she knows it.[12]


Dot is the baby of the family and knows it; she is not above using her cuteness to get what she wants, and if she fails, she uses incredible violence. Her comedy tends to rely on unexpectedness; she uses her adorable persona to lower her enemy's expectations, before setting loose one of her monstrous pets on them, or whacking them with a mallet. She is outgoing, enjoying the social life, and is also very witty and intelligent. Despite being the youngest Warner sibling, she is very self-reliant and confident, and in fact often ends up taking care of Wakko instead of the other way around, lecturing him about not going to class and informing him they'll explain heavy-handed metaphors "when he's older." She's also very determined, and is known to never quit until she gets her way.

The original pitch bible describes her as "all animated female characters have never been. She is acerbic, witty, violent and (above it all) cute. (She can't help it… she just is!)"[13] In "Be Like Me," Dot describes herself as "perfect, funny, cute and smart and strong," as well as being able to kick the butt of her adversaries.

Dot can be very blunt and rude, sometimes on purpose; she doesn't care if she's annoying people at all, and in fact will revel in the attention she gets. She does, however, get upset when she is not successful in her endeavours, often getting more snippy and aggressive. She gets angry more often than her brothers- and sometimes at her brothers, especially if they're flirting with someone in front of her. ("Boys. Go fig.") Despite that, she is just as flirtatious with men, often jumping into their arms, trying to kiss them and asking their relationship status.

The pitch bible describes her by saying that "she can do anything the boys can do and still look cute (and she knows it)." She sometimes uses her femininity to her advantage, such as acting shocked that the King would allow a "poor, helpless girl" to scout for him in "The Three Muska-Warners." She also uses her cuteness as a weapon to get her and her siblings out of difficult situations, usually against Mr. Crazy Person; she will regress into "baby talk" and bat her eyelashes. However, when not intentionally using these underestimations against her enemies, being treated as a baby angers her.[14]

She is very musically talented, being able to play any instrument,[13] despite not being able to read sheet music. However, many others (including her brothers) claim she has a horrible singing voice. Yakko also will occasionally comment that she's not a very good actress. She also enjoys books, though she needs a certain level of noise in order to focus- she can't read while her brothers are playing war, but if it's too quiet, she will turn on heavy metal music;[15] her trait of being unable to focus when distracted by small noises is consistent.[16] Dot can also be a bit hyperactive, and doesn't often sit still; instead, she'll often be looking around or doing makeup. She also has difficulty paying attention, as seen when Plotz requested she write a letter for him and instead she doodled her and her celebrity crush, Mel Gibson.

Despite her confidence, she has moments of sensitivity; she cries when given an F in "Chalkboard Bungle", and has a meltdown over flubbing her lines of "Cutie and the Beast." In the same episode, she becomes upset at the idea of someone else being cute- which she considers her territory. She also becomes upset in the reboot upon getting a zit, believing it to not be a good look for her until she befriends it. However, she seems to take comfort in finding herself cute, despite what others say; in "Fear and Laughter in Burbank", when she is shown a vision of herself as elderly, she excitedly asks her older self if she's ready to adopt cats.

Dot has always been a feminist, becoming upset if she believes someone is looking down on her or others for their gender. This trait is featured prominently in the reboot, in which she has songs about the suffragette movement and the first ladies of the United States, as well as her outright ordering a man to stop being sexist.

While the Warner siblings love each other, Dot will often become angry at her brothers; as mentioned, especially when they are acting like idiots because they've seen a pretty girl, or when they try to tease her. She and Yakko butt heads sometimes, as shown in their incessant bickering during "I'm Mad" and their extended argument in "Cutie and the Beast."

Dot has several recurring quirks; she tends to refer to people as "kid," a term she may have picked up from her past friendship with Fanny Brice. She also will pull out a box and introduce people to her "pet," only for a terrifying monster to leap out. (In "Space-Probed," one of her pets falls in love with the Xenomorph.) She will also sometimes pull off frightening and/or improbable feats, before saying that it's "Just a little thing I do." Also, notably, she despises the nickname "Dottie," possibly due to its usage as an adjective to describe someone who is insane. She often says that anyone who calls her Dottie will die, and follows through on her threat in "Dottie the Squirrel." The only time she has heard someone refer to her by this name and not reacted negatively is when Yakko used it in "The Three Muska-Warners."

Moral Code

As stated in the pitch bible, the Warners "are the world's answer to loony justice, when the unjust must be taught a lesson." and represent "what kids would like to do to the jerky adults in the world." While Dot will sometimes give their victims the benefit of the doubt, upon realizing they are intentionally being rude, she will quickly resort to violence, such as smashing them with a large mallet.[13]

The Warner siblings are known to abide by their own moral code; while their sketches mainly revolve around them tormenting an antagonist, they make it clear that they will not bother anyone who has not already provoked them. This sometimes causes issues for them when they are annoyed by someone who has not intentionally aggravated them, such as Pip or Prunella Flundergust, as they do not find it right to fight back during these occasions. However, they do seem to be alright with other characters doing the same thing, as in the latter case they simply called Slappy Squirrel in to deal with their nanny so they wouldn't be culpable.



The Warners as infants in Wakko's Wish.

The full history of the Warner Siblings is shrouded in mystery, starting from the very beginning; for starters, their parents are unknown. The original pitch bible claims that "they have no parents. Or at least, no one will admit to being their parent."[13] While it is likely they were simply drawn as orphans, the Warners seem to be under the impression that they do have existing parents, though they don't appear to have any memories of them, as Yakko speculated they may be pencils. He appears to trace a family tree in "King Yakko", though that may have been for the sake of the cartoon. In a similar situation of canon ambiguity, in the sketch "Turkey Jerky," he claims that they were lost in the wilderness and raised by wild turkeys, and in "This Pun for Hire", when Wakko misses Dot's reference to "Gypsys, Tramps & Thieves", he states he doesn't remember those events occuring and asks Dot for clarification. In the comic series, the siblings have a cousin named Sakko Warner.

The Warners have been implied to be or directed as royalty several times, implying they may belong to an aristocratic family; Yakko is in line to rule the kingdom of Anvilania in "King Wakko" (though, once again, that may have been for the sake of the cartoon), and Dot's full name includes the title of Princess. The Warners are also canonically royalty in the continuity ofWakko's Wish.

They were shown with parents solely in Wakko's Wish; see that section for more information.

Creation to Tower

The Warners' creation was described in detail in "The Warners' 65th Anniversary Special," though some facts contradict the repeated opening introduction, "Newsreel of the Stars"- this is either a simple production error or an intentional misdirection to shed more mystery on the Warners' origins.

Dot and Fanny Brice.

The Warners were "discovered/created" in 1929 at the current animation department, Termite Terrace. After the cartoon Outback Buddy failed to entertain its director, Weed Memlo, he ordered the lead animator, Lon Borax, to add more characters. Borax, driven insane by the overwork brought on by the crunch time, drew the siblings at 2:43am of "February 30th." He eventually fled the studio by breaking through a wall, but not before drawing the Warner siblings into the cartoon, which then ended with the siblings crushing Buddy with a mallet. Though confused, CEO Thaddeus Plotz ordered the Warners to be put into the rest of Buddy's cartoons, which would end with the same slapstick gag. The siblings appeared notably in Postman Buddy (1930), Gardening Buddy (1931), Baker Buddy (1932), and Busdriver Buddy (1933). Besides appearing in those shorts, the Warners also starred in their own cartoons, with known ones being 1929's Ragamuffins, 1930's Babblin' Bijou, followed by Krazy Kiddos, Pipsqueeks, Nutty Newsies, [17] Oy! My Rash!, Misbeehiving, Foot Foot Footsy You Smell!, and Globos De Carne. [18]. The Warners were also loaned out to the Fleichman's studio for Little Red Riding Goop in 1931, which was their first known cartoon to feature voice lines- interestingly, Dot also mentions living in the water tower at that time, despite the fact they wouldn't be locked up for another three years.

The Warners gained popularity, stated to be "the biggest things to hit Hollywood," and so Buddy was fired despite the siblings' protests. Plotz gave the Warners their own series of cartoons, which he later lists as the "biggest mistake of his life." Taking advice from Bugs Bunny, they hired an agent by the name of Irving "Swifty" LaBoo, a "shrewd negotiator," who was Chicken Boo in disguise, and the Warners signed a four-cartoon deal.

It should be noted that, contradictory to what was stated in the 65th anniversary. it was claimed in Episode 26 that the Warners were not created but "discovered" at Schwab's pharmacy when a Warner Bros scout spotted Wakko eating an entire milkshake and gave them a contract. They were also stated to have been in Vaudeville with Sy Sykman, Jack Benny, George Burns and Milton Berle, the latter of which was given the Special Friend treatment, particularly by Yakko. The Warners also appeared in the Ziegfeld Follies, with Dot being close with Fannie Brice- which is likely where she picked up her habit of calling everyone "kid."

Their first director, Memlo, hated working with the Warners, and the children often reminisce about how angry he would get at them. He directed at least two major cartoons with them, "Flies in the Ointment" and "Kitchen Krazy." "Flies in the Ointment" became a notable failure, due to its unedited nature giving it an eight-hour length, though it was later acclaimed by Mr. Director.

After these, Memlo was taken off the Warner cartoons, but no director would go near them, so Plotz allowed Wakko to direct "Yankee Doodle Warners" (1934), in which Wakko performs "Yankee Doodle" with his armpits while his siblings hum along.

Infuriated, Plotz cancelled the Warners' contract and kicked out LaBoo, insisting that the children would never make another cartoon at his studio. Now with no work to do, Dot and her siblings began to run amok throughout the studio, causing chaos; Yakko and Wakko were noted to pop out of items and greet chorus girls with "Hello, Nurse!", while Dot would do the same to attractive male actors. The siblings would appear everywhere, especially at the commissary, despite everyone fleeing in terror when they asked to eat with them. Other instances of their antics include putting bean dip in the saddle of The Gipper, trying to straighten Porky Pig's tail, and calling Yosemite Sam "itty bitty baby man."

Crew members became afraid to walk around the lot, particularly ones that drew the siblings' ire. The final straw for Plotz occurred when the siblings made star Jimmy Cagney their Special Friend and pantsed him in public. Following that incident, the Warner siblings were captured by a guard- either Ralph T. Guard or an ancestor of his- and thrown into the studio Water Tower, while their films were hidden away and their existence went unacknowledged by the studio.

The tower was perma-sealed in order to prevent their escape, to Plotz's delight, as he hoped that the Warners would spend the rest of time isolated inside. However, the Warners could not be contained forever; and they were released both on accident and intentionally throughout the years.

Known Escapes

Every few years, the tower had to be emptied in order to fumigate for termites, and the Warners would routinely escape for a day. However, each time they escaped, they would eventually be recaptured and locked back in the tower.

1942 was the Warners' earliest known release, as they were freed in order to star in a propaganda film, Warners Take the Home Front. Three years later, during a fumigation, it is known that they went to the American Delegation in 1945, where they jumped on Winston Churchill's stomach.

In 1962, Termite Terrace closed its doors due to a financial shortage. With no more cartoon department, the Warners were once again thrown into the tower with the intention to perma-seal the door a second time. However, after Plotz bet the studio's future on Youngblood Squack, a film that flopped, he began to lease the Warners out to other studios for quick cash. The Warners did not seem to consent to this, as they were dragged off set in a net while screaming and attempting to escape. However, the Warners soon became known for being bad at playing second fiddle, and would end up taking over the episodes they were tasked to guest star in.

That April, the Warners were first put into an episode of Hoo Hoo Hooey, where they complained about the flat animation and burnt the script while leading the star, Calhoun Capybara, off a cliff and into a water main. The Warners then guest starred as themselves in Uhuru, Where Are You?, in which they terrorized the cast by playing cheesy fake rock songs and riding the title character around the set, the latter of which resulted in several injuries. Following this, the upset Warners were once again trapped on the Warners lot and remained off-model for months, and their loaning status was changed to an episode-by-episode basis.

Following another flop with Freebie and the Boo, the Warners were lent to Thunderdog. However, they stole the title character's magic feather, causing a million-ton weight to drop on him, flattening him. The Warners were then lent out to Obese Orson, which they ruined by insisting on having fun on Saturdays instead of teaching lessons.

Though the studio once again regained money, Plotz continued to lend out the Warners until they appeared in a boy band's cartoon and saw a newspaper revealing the studio's profits were "through the roof." Upset, the Warners demanded they never be loaned out again, ripping up their contract and retreating into the tower. They had to remove Chicken Boo from the premises, as he had taken up residence in their absence.

On January 21, 1968, The Warners escaped during a tower fumigation and performed as "a family of dancing bears," singing "Make a Gookie."[19] In 1972, they were released in order to star in a public service announcement, "Wipe Those Feet," though they later had no memory of said short.[20] All of their following escapes appear to have occurred solely during fumigation instances. In 1977, the Warners appeared at the Disco Championships, where they won the dance and received a prize of an 8-Track tape player, a mood ring, and a copy of "Muskrat Love." And in November of 1989, the Warners provided the mallets used to knock down the Berlin Wall, though they charged money for the tools in order to buy themselves candy.

The Warners did spent most of those sixty years isolated in the tower; however, it is unknown precisely what they did while inside, though they are briefly seen playing cards in "Back in Style." The Warners notably do not talk much about their time in captivity; when prompted about it in "Fair Game", Yakko simply says that they "live in a tower." They do seem to consider the tower their home, often returning there of their own volition; however, when escaping, they become very upset and sometimes fearful when caught.

Original Series

In 1993, the Warners managed to escape without outside help, much to the studio's chagrin. However, they were no longer able to completely contain them and resorted to simply trying to catch and lock them up as much as possible. During this time, the Warners also starred in their own show, Animaniacs, as one of six major segments; the show became popular in-universe, causing the children to receive fan mail and get swarmed at conventions.[21] The Warners also became close with the show's producer, Steven Spielberg.

Dot in the regular theme song.

The Warners' cartoons follow a general formula of them delivering justice to someone who deserves it with their unique brand of cartoon humor, though some other shows focus more on their antics as they "run around the Warner movie lot." As the show exists in-universe, it is unknown how many sketches are scripted shows and how many happen diegetically, especially as many of the employees also act in the shorts in different roles, such as Hello Nurse appearing as a prime minister[22] or flight attendant.[23] For what it is worth, in their segments, Dot is just as chaotic as her brothers, with her humor mainly resting on the element of surprise, such as using her cuteness to make an enemy underestimate her (before pummeling them), or asking if anyone wants to see her pet before unleashing a monster from a small box. She is also very proud of her cuteness and will brag about it at any opportunity, as well as using her adorableness to get her way. She has a bit of a temper, usually directed at her brothers when they dare to tease her; the main instance of her wrath appearing is when anyone refers to her as "Dottie," a nickname she despises. Dot also is incredibly smart and can use just about any item, such as Plotz's answering machine (despite having likely never used one before), or Beethoven's piano without effort after claiming she can't read sheet music. She is the star of her own minor segment, "Dot's Poetry Corner," in which she will recite a parody of a pre-existing children's rhyme.

The Warners are assigned to psychiatrist Dr. Otto von Scratchansniff, with Plotz hoping that he would be able to de-zanitize them. At first, the Warners simply drive him insane, causing him to rip out his own hair, and he seems to be terrified of them, as seen in "The Sound of Warners" and "Anchors A-Warners." However, he warms up to them as the series progresses, becoming a paternal figure for them starting as early as "Taming of the Screwy." The Warners sometimes refer to him as their father, but only in times when it would be most inconvenient for him, such as when he's on a date and wants to be left alone.

The Warners also become acquainted with the studio nurse, Hello Nurse. Dot seems vaguely upset whenever Nurse is around, though that may be due solely to her brothers' overly-flirty reactions and not the woman herself; Dot does give her a curtsy in "King Yakko." Indeed, Dot gets very annoyed whenever her brothers begin their flirtatious behavior, often saying, "Boys, go fig!" or "Men! Do they get better as they get older?" (Despite this, Dot reacts the exact same way as them when she sees an attractive man, to her brothers' enjoyment or confusion.) For her part, Nurse seems to tolerate the Warners' behavior, though she does sometimes attempt to capture them with Ralph and Scratchansniff. She is one of the few characters that ever adjusts her wording for the Warners following a misunderstanding, such as in "Variety Speak" and "This Pun for Hire."

Dot's Poetry Corner.

The children make a game of terrorizing Ralph the Guard, who seems to have been at the studio as long as them and is put in charge of catching them whenever they escape; Yakko and his siblings often lead him through the sets of different segments during filming, or through different areas, letting him chase them while they have their own brands of fun. Despite this, they seem to be friendly with him when he isn't trying to capture them, as they invited him and his wife to their house party.

Plotz despises the Warners, though it's unclear how they feel about him in return; they often make fun of him and dislike when he loans them out, but also are excited to help or be around him, such as becoming his secretaries or inviting him to their house party. In "We're On Our Way to Go See Mr. Plotz," Yakko refers to him as a genius and the siblings seem very excited to show him their script, and in the second part of the episode that song appears in, "Hooray for North Hollywood", they end up missing him despite his mistreatment of them.

The Warners also seem to be acquainted with the other cast members of their show, and often cameo in their segments while running through the lot. They seem to be friendly with Slappy and Skippy, as the squirrels wish them a happy anniversary on their 65th, and the Warners go to Slappy for help in "The Sound of Warners." They also seem to know Pinky and The Brain well enough to know how to summon them to appear in "A Hard Day's Warners," and Buttons and Mindy enough to go to them in "Lookit the Fuzzy Heads."

The original show ended in 1998, with the Warners' final episode being an intro to "The Animaniacs Suite."

Wakko's Wish

It is unknown exactly how the events of Wakko's Wish fit into the continuity of the series; it is presumed to be a film that the Animaniacs cast worked on, as Spielberg is referenced in the script, and the film itself if referenced in the later reboot. However, it could also be considered an alternate universe, or some other unexplained event.

Dot in Wakko's Wish.

In the film, the Warners are homeless orphans living in the poor town of Acme Falls, in the Kingdom of Warnerstock during the reign of the hated King Salazar the Pushy. Though Yakko and Dot are very pessimistic about their circumstances, Wakko constantly reminds them, as well as the rest of the town, to never give up hope. The three children live in an abandoned water tower, with dividers between their "rooms." Yakko often tells Dot "The Story," about how their parents picked her, their daughter, from the most beautiful flower, a story that Dot loves and requests often.

Dot comes down with a mysterious illness, which causes her to cough and tire often. Not sure what's wrong with her, but knowing they need to pay for some kind of surgery, Wakko leaves Acme Falls and spends a year working in attempt to earn their funds. Yakko and Dot constantly wait for him at the train station, and upon his return, Dot becomes ecstatic, announcing that the train that's carrying her brother has arrived. Wakko indeed returns with a ha'penny, to the excitement of the town; however, the ha'penny is confiscated by Baron von Plotz. Yakko takes his siblings home and again tells Dot The Story until she falls asleep.

Though he's upset by the day's events, Wakko keeps his spirits high and picks a star to wish upon. By chance, he picks the exact wishing star, which falls a few miles away. After being informed that the first to touch the star gets their wish, the siblings set out, with the rest of the town following; due to Dot's illness, she's carried by her brothers in their makeshift sled, and spends most of the trip reading magazines. She expresses in song that if she had a wish, she would use it to have her and her siblings be happy with what they have.

An assassination is ordered on the Warners by Salazar, and they narrowly avoid being shot by Plotz and Ralph. However, the town is captured by the King- Dot and her siblings are not concerned, and Dot immediately leaps onto him and announces herself the cute one, before coughing repeatedly on him. He orders the disrespectful siblings executed, but Yakko claims they have secret information on the Wishing Star, so they are taken to a nearby palace, where they tease the King. He then sends them through their a ride of their "worst nightmares"- Mr. Director, the bathroom from "Potty Emergency" and "Baloney." When they exit, the King once again orders them executed by firing squad; however, Dot uses her cuteness to convince the guard to let them go.

Dot's "death."

The siblings escape across a field, though Dot begins to tire and fall behind. Salazar hits them with a cannonball, which mortally injures her. She begs a tearful Yakko to tell her The Story one last time while everyone gathers around. Her death upsets even the villains, who then turn on Salazar; however, once Salazar realizes that Wakko has reached the Wishing Star during the confusion, Dot sits up, revealing herself to have been a distraction.

Wakko then wishes for two ha'pennies, which fixes the economy of Acme Falls. Dot has her operation (plastic surgery for a beauty mark), and while at the hospital the siblings are able to trace their family line, discovering that they are the long lost children of the royal family that Salazar overthrew, having been exiled when he overtook the Kingdom. (It is also implied that he may have had a hand in their parents' death, as he refers to their parents as causing problems for him.)

The Warners then retake their throne, kicking Salazar to the dogs, and are able to rule Warnerstock. The film ends with them reiterating Wakko's mantra that they should never give up hope.


The location and activities of the Warners from 1998 to 2020 is completely unknown, as they do not seem to have been locked again in the tower. However, they also need to be caught up on 2020 technology in the first episode, implying they were still isolated from the world. The intro song shows them emerging from graves and signing a contract with a Grim Reaper-Figure, implying that they may have "died" following the original show and been "re-animated" for the reboot; however, as the Grim Reaper is shown to be terrified of them in the original show, this isn't certain. It is also possible that they were put into "suspended animation", as is referred to in the title of half of the pilot episode; in the original series's "Our Final Space Cartoon, We Promise," Wakko refers to him and Yakko being cryo-frozen by saying, "I hate being in suspended animation," implying this may be a process in their universe. This theory is also supported by Wakko's final lines in the second season, implying that the Warners were in some kind of dreamless sleep.[9]

"Have no shame-y!"

The Warners return to the lot excitedly, and happily greet their old home, the Water Tower, as well as Ralph. They eventually reunite with Scratchansniff, who is able to play a prank on them he'd been planning for twenty-two years. They also meet the new CEO, Nora Rita Norita, and continuously cause property damage to her office whenever they visit, usually by knocking down a wall or window. She seems to care less about their activities than Plotz, and they in turn are a little afraid of her intensity; however, they have also been placed in familial situations with her often, with Dot bonding with her daughter Cora and the siblings trying to bond with her after mistakenly believing they were related. The children also notice the absence of their fellow cartoon stars (sans Pinky and the Brain), and eventually discover that they were all hunted and imprisoned by a jealous Chicken Boo.

The Warners are generally the same as their 90s appearances, though there are some differences; they are drawn with more fluff, for instance. Yakko and Wakko no longer perform their "Hello Nurse" gag, though Dot does still flirt with men. The siblings are also aware that they are in a "cash-grab" reboot, often making fun of the fact they're repeating tropes and playing on nostalgia.

So far in the reboot, Dot's temper has become more of a focus of her humor, with her often becoming angered at their Special Friend of the episode and quickly resorting to cartoon violence; in "Warners Unbound," Yakko has to prevent her from immediately smiting Odysseus, and Dot very quickly and excitedly decides that the best way to punish him is to "unleash a series of monsters that gradually strip him down one mental and emotional layer at a time." She also later is happy to watch Nils Niedhart become hurt in "Gold Meddlers", and is quick to threaten Ralph and the cashier in "WhoDonut."

Dot is also very interested in justice and equality, leading a song about the First Ladies of America (though she impulsively did not practice beforehand) and Suffragette City, which began as an educational number about women's suffrage and escalated into her leading a march on Washington to give cartoons the right to vote. She still retains her ability to think quickly, though now she takes charge more often in her siblings' escapades, such as distracting Marie Antoinette in "France France Revolution" and leading the interrogation in "WhoDonut." Dot also has her moments of emotionally connecting with other characters, such as bonding with Cora in "My Super Sour Sixteen" (though only after an explosive argument) and becoming protective of the egg in "Warner's Ark."

She is still very focused on her cuteness, becoming upset when a zit threatens her appearance; however, she also is confident in herself, and isn't upset at the prospect of aging, as when shown a vision of herself as an old woman, she simply asks her future self if she's "ready to adopt some cats." After becoming upset at the world she found disgusting, Dot accidentally gained the ability to cute-ify everything, which she immediately turned on the rest of the world (despite Yakko's protests); however, she was eventually driven insane by four weeks of the same adorable song.

Dot also begins to show irritation at being considered the baby of the family, and begins to react either with anger, annoyance or resignation at Yakko's educational tendencies.[24] [25] [26] [14]

As the tower has a more consistent interior design than in the original show, it is shown that Dot sleeps in a loft above Yakko's ballpit.[27]


Animaniacs (1993-1998)
De-Zanitized Debut The Monkey Song]] Appears Nighty-Night Toon Appears
Yakko's World Absent Cookies for Einstein Appears Win Big Cameo
H.M.S. Yakko Appears Slappy Goes Walnuts Cameo Yakko's Universe Appears
Hooked on a Ceiling Appears Goodfeathers: The Beginning Cameo
Taming of the Screwy Appears
Flipper Parody Appears Temporary Insanity Appears Operation: Lollipop Cameo What are We? Appears
Piano Rag Appears When Rita Met Runt Cameo
The Warner's Lot Appears The Big Candy Store Appears Bumbie's Mom Cameo
Wally Llama Appears Where Rodents Dare Absent
King Yakko Appears
No Pain, No Painting Appears Les Miseranimals Absent
Garage Sale of the Century Appears West Side Pigeons Absent
Hello Nice Warners Appears La Behemoth Absent Little Old Slappy from Pasadena Absent
La La Law Appears Cat on a Hot Steel Beam Absent
Space Probed Appears Battle for the Planet Absent
Chalkboard Bungle Appears Hurray for Slappy Cameo The Great Wakkorotti: The Master & His Music Non-speaking
Roll Over Beethoven Appears The Cat and the Fiddle Absent
Pavlov's Mice Absent Chicken Boo-Ryshnikov Absent Nothing But the Tooth Appears
Meatballs or Consequences Appears A Moving Experience Absent
Hitchcock Opening Appears Hearts of Twilight Appears The Boids Cameo
The Flame Absent Wakko's America Appears Davy Omelette Absent Four Score and Seven Migraines Ago Appears
Guardin' the Garden Cameo Plane Pals Appears
Be Careful What You Eat Appears Up the Crazy River Cameo Ta Da Dump, Ta Da Dump, Ta Da Dump Dump Dump Cameo
Yakko's World of Baldness Non-speaking Opportunity Knox Cameo Wings Take Heart Absent
Disasterpiece Theatre Absent Hercule Yakko Appears Home on De-Nile Absent A Midsummer Night's Dream Appears
Testimonials Pictured & Mentioned Babblin Bijou Appears Potty Emergency Non-speaking Sir Yaksalot Appears
You Risk Your Life Absent I Got Yer Can Cameo Jockey for Position Absent
Moby or Not Moby Appears Mesozoic Mindy Absent The Good, the Boo, and the Ugly Absent
Draculee, Draculaa Appears Phranken-Runt Absent
Hot, Bothered and Bedeviled Appears Moon Over Minerva Absent Skullhead Boneyhands Appears
O Silly Mio Appears Puttin' on the Blitz Cameo The Great Wakkorotti: The Summer Concert Cameo
Chairman of the Bored Appears Planets Song Absent Astro-Buttons Cameo
Cartoons in Wakko's Body Appears Noah's Lark Cameo The Big Kiss Cameo Hiccup Cameo
Clown and Out Appears Bubba Bo Bob Brain Cameo
Animaniacs Stew Appears
Critical Condition Absent The Three Muska-Warners Appears
Dough Dough Boys Absent Boot Camping Appears General Boo-Regard Absent
Spell-Bound Cameo
Smitten with Kittens Absent Alas, Poor Skullhead Appears White Gloves Absent
Casablanca Opening Appears Fair Game Appears The Slapper Absent Puppet Rules Absent
Buttermilk, It Makes a Body Bitter Absent Broadcast Nuisance Appears Raging Bird Absent
Animator's Alley Appears Can't Buy a Thrill Cameo Hollywoodchuck Absent
Of Nice and Men Absent What a Dump! Absent Survey Ladies Appears
Useless Facts Absent The Senses Song Appears The World Can Wait Absent Kiki's Kitten Cameo
Mary Tyler Dot Song Appears Windsor Hassle Appears ...And Justice for Slappy Absent
Turkey Jerky Appears Wild Blue Yonder Absent
Video Review Appears When Mice Ruled the Earth Absent
Mobster Mash Appears Lake Titicaca Appears Icebreakers Absent
Very Special Opening Appears A Christmas Plotz Appears Little Drummer Warners Appears
'Twas the Day Before Christmas Appears Jingle Boo Absent The Great Wakkorotti: The Holiday Concert Non-speaking Toy Shop Terror Appears
Branimaniacs Appears The Warners and the Beanstalk Appears Frontier Slappy Absent
Ups and Downs Absent The Brave Little Trailer Absent Yes, Always Cameo
Drive-Insane Appears Girlfeathers Absent I'm Cute Appears
Brain Meets Brawn Absent Meet Minerva Appears
Gold Rush Appears A Gift of Gold Absent Dot's Quiet Time Appears
Schnitzelbank Appears The Helpinki Formula Absent Le Bouton et le Ballon Cameo Kung Boo Absent
Of Course You Know This Means Warners Appears Up a Tree Absent Wakko's Gizmo Appears
Meet John Brain Absent Smell Ya Later Absent
Ragamuffins Non-speaking Woodstock Slappy Cameo
Karaoke Dokie Appears Cranial Crusader Absent The Chicken Who Loved Me Absent
Baloney and Kids Appears Super Buttons Absent The Driving Lesson Absent
Scare Happy Slappy Appears Witch One Cameo MacBeth Appears
With Three You Get Eggroll Absent Mermaid Mindy Absent Call Waiting Absent
Lookit the Fuzzy Heads Appears No Face Like Home Absent
The Warners' 65th Anniversary Special Appears
Take My Siblings Please Appears The Mindy 500 Cameo Morning Malaise Appears
We're No Pigeons Absent Whistle Stop Mindy Absent The Broken Date Absent
Miami Mama-Mia Absent Pigeon on the Roof Absent
I'm Mad Appears Bad Mood Bobby Absent The Blemish Absent Fake Appears
Super Strong Warner Siblings Appears Nutcracker Slappy Cameo Wakko's New Gookie Absent A Quake, a Quake! Appears
Variety Speak Appears Three Tenors and You're Out Absent Bingo Absent Finale Mentioned
Deduces Wild Appears Rest in Pieces Absent U.N. Me Appears
A Hard Day's Warners Appears Gimme a Break Absent Please Please Please Get a Life Foundation Appears
The Tiger Prince Absent All the Words in the English Language Appears The Kid in the Lid Appears Method to Her Madness Absent
The Presidents Song Appears Don't Tread on Us Absent The Flame Returns Absent
Gimme the Works Appears Buttons in Ows Absent Hercules Unwound Appears
This Pun for Hire Appears Star Truck Appears Go Fish Appears Multiplication Song Appears
The Sound of Warners Appears Yabba Dabba Boo Absent
My Mother the Squirrel Absent The Party Appears Oh Say Can You See? Absent The Twelve Days of Christmas Cameo
Dot's Entertainment Appears The Girl with the Googily Goop Appears Gunga Dot Appears
Soccer Coach Slappy Absent Belly Button Blues Absent Our Final Space Cartoon, We Promise Appears Valuable Lesson Appears
Wakko's 2-Note Song Appears Panama Canal Absent Hello Nurse Debut The Ballad of Magellan Appears
The Return of the Great Wakkorotti Non-speaking The Big Wrap Party Tonight Appears
One Flew Over the Cuckoo Clock Absent
Cutie and the Beast Appears Boo Happens Absent Noel Appears
Jokahontas Appears Boids on the Hood Absent Mighty Wakko at the Bat Appears
A Very Very Very Very Special Show Appears Night of the Living Buttons Absent Soda Jerk Appears
From Burbank with Love Appears Anchors A-Warners Appears When You're Traveling Appears
Papers for Papa Appears Amazing Gladiators Absent Pinky and the Ralph Absent
Ten Short Films About Wakko Warner Absent No Time for Love Absent The Boo Network Absent
Pitter Patter of Little Feet Absent Mindy in Wonderland Cameo Ralph's Wedding Cameo
Message in a Bottle Appears Back in Style Appears Bones in the Body Appears
It Appears Dot, The Macadamia Nut Appears Bully for Skippy Non-speaking
Cute First (Ask Questions Later) Appears Acquaintances Appears Here Comes Attila Appears Boo Wonder Absent
Magic Time Appears The Brain's Apprentice Absent
Hooray for North Hollywood (Part 1) Appears
Hooray for North Hollywood (Part 2) Appears
The Carpool Appears The Sunshine Squirrels Absent
The Christmas Tree Cameo Punchline (Part I) Absent Prom Night Absent Punchline (Part II) Absent
Birds on a Wire Absent The Scoring Session Appears The Animaniacs Suite Appears
Minor Segments
Randy Beaman Absent
Good Idea, Bad Idea Absent
Mime Time Absent
Wheel of Morality Appears
Pinky and the Brain (1995-1998)
Season One
Das Mouse Absent
Of Mouse and Man Absent
Tokyo Grows Absent That Smarts Absent Brainstem Absent
Pinky and the Fog Absent Where No Mouse Has Gone Before Absent Cheese Roll Call Absent
Brainania Absent
TV or Not TV Absent
Napoleon Brainaparte Absent
A Pinky and the Brain Christmas Absent
Snowball Absent
Around the World in 80 Narfs Absent
Fly Absent
Ambulatory Abe Absent Mouse of La Mancha Absent
The Third Mouse Cameo The Visit Absent
Season Two
It's Only A Paper World Absent
Collect 'em All Absent Pinkasso Cameo
Plan Brain from Outer Space Cameo
The Pink Candidate Absent
Brain's Song Absent
Welcome to the Jungle Absent
A Little Off the Top Absent Megalomaniacs Anonymous Absent
The Mummy Absent Robin Brain Absent
Two Mice and a Baby Absent The Maze Absent
Brain of the Future Absent
Brinky Absent
Hoop Schemes Absent
Season Three
Leave it to Beavers Absent Cinebrainia Absent
Brain Noir Absent
Pinky and the Brain... And Larry Absent Where the Deer and the Mousealopes Play Absent
Brain's Bogie Absent Say What, Earth Absent
My Feldmans, My Friends Absent
All You Need is Narf Absent Pinky's Plan Absent
This Old Mouse Absent
Brain Storm Absent
A Meticulous Analysis of History Absent Funny, You Don't Look Rhennish Absent
The Pinky Protocol Absent
Mice Don't Dance Absent Brain Drained Absent
Brain Acres Absent
Pinky and the Brainmaker Absent Calvin Brain Absent
Pinky Suavo Absent T.H.E.Y Absent
The Real Life Absent
Brain's Way Absent
A Pinky and the Brain Halloween Absent
Brainy Jack Absent
Leggo My Ego Absent Big in Japan Absent
But That's Not All, Folks Absent
Operation Sea Lion Absent You Said a Mouseful Absent
The Tailor and the Mice Absent Bah, Wilderness Absent
Pinky at the Bat Absent Schpiel-borg 2000 Absent
Broadway Malady Absent
The Megalomaniacal Adventures of Brainie the Poo Absent The Melancholy Brain Absent
Inherit the Wheeze Absent
Brain's Night Off Absent Beach Blanket Brain Absent
The Family That Poits Together, Narfs Together Absent
Pinky's Turn Absent Your Friend Global Domination Absent
You'll Never Eat Food Pellets In This Town Again Absent
Dangerous Brains Absent
What Ever Happened to Baby Brain Absent Just Say Narf Absent
The Pinky POV Absent The Really Great Dictator Absent Brain Food Absent
Season Four
Brainwashed: Brain, Brain, Go Away Absent
Brainwashed: I Am Not a Hat Absent
Brainwashed: Wash Harder Absent
To Russia with Lab Mice Absent Hickory Dickory Bonk Absent
The Pinky and the Brain Reunion Special Absent
A Legendary Tail Absent Project BRAIN Absent
Star Warners Appears
Pinky, Elmyra and the Brain (1998-1999)
Patty Ann Absent Gee, Your Hair Spells Terrific Absent
Cute Little Alienhead Absent Better Living Through Cheese Absent
My Fair Brainy! Absent The Cat That Cried Woof Absent
The Girl With Nothing Extra Absent Narfily Ever After Absent
The Icky Mouse Club Absent The Man From Washington Absent
At the Hop! Absent Pinky's Dream House Absent
Yule Be Sorry Absent How I Spent My Weekend Absent
Wag the Mouse Absent A Walk in the Park Absent
Squeeze Play Absent The Ravin! Absent
Teleport a Friend Absent
Mr. Doctor Absent That's Edutainment! Absent
Fun, Time and Space Absent Hooray for Meat Absent
Party Night Absent The Mask of Braino Absent
Wakko's Wish (1999) Appears
Animaniacs (2020-)
Season One
Jurassic Lark Appears Suspended Animation: Part One Appears Of Mice and Memes Absent Suspended Animation: Part Two Appears
Warners Unbound Appears How to Brain Your Dragon Absent Suffragette City Appears
Gold Meddlers Appears Pinko and the Brain Absent Math-Terpiece Theater: Apples Appears
Bun Control Appears Ex Mousina Absent Bloopf Appears
Good Warner Hunting Appears No Brainer Absent Ralph Cam Non-speaking
The Cutening Appears Close Encounters of the Worst Kind Absent Equal Time Appears
Warner She Wrote Appears France France Revolution Appears Gift Rapper Appears
WhoDonut Appears Mousechurian Candidate Absent Starbox and Cindy Absent
Here Comes Treble Appears That's Not the Issue Appears Future Brain Absent The Incredible Gnome in People's Mouths Absent
Anima-Nyet Appears Babysitter's Flub Absent The Warners' Press Conference Appears
Phantomaniacs Appears Fear and Laughter in Burbank Appears Bride of Pinky Cameo Things That Go Bump in the Night Absent
A Zit! Appears 1001 Narfs Absent Manny Manspreader Appears
Hindenburg Cola Appears Roadent Trip Absent FLOTUS, FLOTUS, What Do You Know About Us? Appears
Season Two
Rome Sweet Rome Appears Backwards Pinky Absent Wakko's Short Shorts: Now Loading Absent
Please Submit Appears The Flawed Couple Cameo Everyday Safety Appears
Rug of War Appears Run Pinky Run Absent The Hamburg Tickler Appears
Ralph World Absent My Super Sour Sixteen Appears How To: Brain Takes Over The World Absent
The Warners Are Present Appears The Pinktator Absent Know Your Scroll Appears
Yakko's Big Idea Appears Mouse Congeniality Absent Rejected Animaniacs Characters Appears
Yakko Amakko Appears The Longest Word Appears Happy Narfday! Cameo Magna Cartoon Appears
Wakkiver Twist Part One Appears Plight of Hand Absent Wakkiver Twist Part Two Appears
What Is That? Appears Mouse Madness Absent Christopher Columbusted Appears Fake Medicines Appears
Exercise Minute Appears Reichenbrain Falls Absent Targeted Ads Absent Bathtime Absent
A Brief History of History Appears The Incredible Gnome In People's Mouths- Gerard Absent The Prisoners' Dilemma Absent Math-terpiece Theatre- Beach Balls Appears
Warner's Ark Appears The Apology Appears Narf Over Troubled Water Absent The Warner's Vault Appears
80's Cats Appears All About the Benjamin Appears 23 and WB Appears
Season Three


Animaniacs Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Dot


  • Tress MacNeille
  • Missi Hale (Reboot Singing Double)
  • Elena Prieto (Original Series Spanish dub)
  • Navid Cabrera (Reboot Spanish Dub)
  • Barbara Tissier (French Dub)
  • Sarit Vino-Elad (Hebrew Dub)
  • Marisa Leal (Original Series and Reboot Brazilian Portuguese Dub)



  • In an interview with Tom Ruegger in Talkin' Toons with Rob Paulsen episode 14, he states that Dot is 10-years-old.
  • She has shown greater than average ability in numerous activities, such as making chocolate bunnies or playing the piano. Just little things Dot does.
  • According to a scene in Wakko's Wish, she is ticklish.
  • Dot appears to be the same height as fellow Tress MacNeille character Babs Bunny, as seen in The Big Wrap Party Tonight.


  • Sherri Stoner invented Dot's full name, patterned after Pippi Longstocking's full name: Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Ephraim's Daughter Longstocking.
    • The full form of the name is also likely a reference to Shirley Ellis's "The Name Game", as the name pattern in the song ends with the "bonana", "fo" and "fanna" pattern.
  • In the series of "Pinky and the Brain" Dot made a cameo in "The Third Mouse", waving at Pinky and Brain after Pinky said "Poit! One of those Dots is waving at us!", even though the episode was in black and white, her nose is red, just like the 1930's cartoons on Animaniacs.
  • When asked to describe Dot in one word, Tress MacNeille referred to her as "perfect." [28]


Animaniacs Wiki has a collection of images related to Dot Warner


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Episode 6: Temporary Insanity/Operation: Lollipop/What are We?
  2. Episode 37: Dough Dough Boys/Boot Camping/General Boo-Regard
  3. Episode 11: No Pain, No Painting/Les Miseranimals
  4. Episode 1: De-Zanitized/The Monkey Song/Nighty-Night Toon
  5. Episode 22: Guardin' the Garden/Plane Pals
  6. Episode 89: Ten Short Films About Wakko Warner/No Time for Love/The Boo Network
  7. Episode 3 (Reboot): Gold Meddlers/Pinko and the Brain/Math-Terpiece Theater: Apples
  8. Episode 71: Variety Speak/Three Tenors and You're Out/Bingo/Finale
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Episode 26 (Reboot): 80's Cats/All About the Benjamin/23 and WB
  10. Episode 13 (Reboot): Hindenburg Cola/Roadent Trip/FLOTUS, FLOTUS: What Do You Know About Us?
  11. Episode 14 (Reboot): Rome Sweet Rome/Backwards Pinky/Wakko's Short Shorts: Now Loading
  12. Just Toys Animaniacs Bend-Ems Box Description
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Original Pitch Bible
  14. 14.0 14.1 Episode 20 (Reboot): Yakko Amakko/The Longest Word/Happy Narfday!/Magna Cartoon
  15. Episode 55: Gold Rush/A Gift of Gold/Dot's Quiet Time
  16. Episode 17 (Reboot): Ralph World/My Super Sour Sixteen/How To: Brain Takes Over The World
  17. Testimonials
  18. Episode 6: Temporary Insanity/Operation: Lollipop/What are We?
  19. Episode 65: The Warners' 65th Anniversary Special
  20. Episode 25 (Reboot): Warner's Ark/The Apology/Narf Over Troubled Water/The Warner's Vault
  21. Episode 73: A Hard Days Warner/Gimme a Break/Please Please Please Get a Life Foundation
  22. Episode 10: King Yakko
  23. Episode 22: Guardin' the Garden/Plane Pals
  24. Episode 4 (Reboot): Bun Control/Ex Mousina/Bloopf
  25. Episode 12 (Reboot): A Zit!/1001 Narfs/Manny Manspreader
  26. Episode 16 (Reboot): Rug of War/Run Pinky Run/The Hamburg Tickler
  27. Episode 8 (Reboot): WhoDonut/Mousechurian Candidate/Starbox and Cindy
  28. ANIMANIACS cast Q&A + SAT, JAN 16TH (2021) | 1PM PT, 4PM ET

How To Draw Dot Warner


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