
How To Create Online Pharmacy Website

Frankly speaking, an online presence is a must for every business!! Your prospects and customers demand you to have one!! Either for researching, or purchasing or for just checking the opening hours, the customers are online most of the time. Even if your physical location is best to have great footfall, but, an online presence has something impressive in its pocket. It will not only increase your customer volume but also make your presence noticed. Similar to other businesses, it is a must for the Pharma industry to have an online presence.  It is one of those tools that are vital for your business.  Online pharmacy or distance selling pharmacy gives you an overwhelming amount of visitors and rich business opportunities. The studies say that there will be an increase in the compound annual growth in ePharmacy in 2024 by 14.2% . E-pharmacy Market stats Surely, you must be panicking about creating the website and your mind must be tossing with a lot of questions- it is imperative, though!! But, believe us, it is worth the deal!! The online pharmacy website has changed the landscape and the things that were handled before. So, if you are one of those who does not own a website- get the one!! Online pharmacy gives several ways of providing the non-prescriptions OTC ( Over The Counter) drugs, on-time delivery of drugs, filling out prescriptions. On an all, it makes the patient's life smooth and easy. To make it more clear to you, we have compiled how the online pharmacy website can generate business for you. Check out below:

Online Pharmacy Store Business Model

Online pharmacy stores are the first kind that stocks large amounts of medications for the patients.  The users initially present a real prescription of the medicines they want to buy.  After confirming the availability of the medicines and making the purchase, the online pharmacy checks out and starts the shipment process to deliver the medicines to the customer.

Partnership with Local Brick-and-Mortar Pharmacies

In this type, the retailers do not stock the medicines, rather, they ask the local pharmacies for the same.  The process goes in the way that the user sends the request to the online pharmacy. They check the pharmacy store close to the shipment address. After collecting the payment, they direct the partners to deliver the medicines physically. Later, they share the profits with the conditions they agreed on.

Reasons Why Should have the Online Pharmacy Website

Reasons Why Should have the Online Pharmacy Website Below, the major reasons to have an online pharmacy website are shown. Have a look and convince yourself!!

# Marketing

Owning an online presence will give you different ways to market your pharmacy store and make tough competition all around. The well-designed website connected with the major social media handles will not only market your store, your products, and staff but, make your presence stronger.

# Easy Approachable

The website with appropriate contact details such as an address, contact number and opening hours make your account easily approachable. Also, you can register your pharmacy website on the google map so that the user can find you without any hassles.

# Improved Revenue

Following the profitable measures, like, uploading the photos, selling the gift vouchers, discounts and managing the appointments from the booking engines, you are engaging more customers. It will always keep you stand out from your competitors and improve your profitable rate or revenue swiftly.

# Create the Blogs

Let the corporate blogs create magic for you. You can add the articles that are advising and reporting about the happenings in your pharmacy. You can also promote your store, share the advice and also build a strong pharmacy reputation.

# Advertise or Promote your Products

You can post the images of the products from social media and also link them with the blog post to get related information. Additionally, the promotion of products with special offers can give your pharma store more exposure.

# More Customer Engagement

You can use different channels to communicate and engage the customer. Ask then to review and ask the query if any. Use Facebook, Instagram and advertise the customers to shop locally and give your customers the personal touch and convert them into the offline purchasers. Even now,  we have tried our best to persuade you that having the pharma website is of today's need.  Though, the choice is yours!! Anyways!! Let's move further!! If you are well-known to the technicalities behind the website, then, you must know that to create a website, the platform is necessary.  So far, there is no other platform like WordPress that can help you create the website of your dreams!!

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WordPress Overview

This popular Content Management System (CMS) holds almost 1.3 billion active websites. That means, 455,000,000 websites are developed on WordPress.  Till November 2019, it carries a market share of 61.8%.  Imagine, how powerful and global this platform is. WordPress Market Share Stats Here, in this article, our concerns lie in making the pharma website on the WordPress platform.  If you are known to this industry, then you must have heard about the Walgreen website. We have chosen to create the same website like this. However, again, you might be having several questions in mind-that why we are preferring this website?  There are other pharmaceutical websites as well. We already are prepared for your questions.  And has gathered the required information that will turn out to be the answers to your questions. So, without any further ado, let's proceed further!!

Why Walgreens?

It is one of the largest and best drugstore chains in the US.  The website has integrated all the essential features that are important as per business and customer perspective.  It integrates more than 14,000 retail pharmacy stores in the world. From retail to pharmacy customer healthcare products, it sells all. When it is about the statistics , the pharma business is ready to provide $84 billion to Walgreens fiscal 2020 revenues. It implies that a total of 60% of the company's $140 billion in foreseen revenues for fiscal 2020. As compared to other businesses, the wholesale and retail pharmaceuticals are likely to produce $21 billion and $35 billion in revenues in fiscal 2020. It accounts for 15% and 25% of the total revenue correspondingly. The sales of Walgreens pharmacy will increase from $57 billion in fiscal 2015 to $81 billion in 2018.  Walgreen has increased the number of stores to 1200 between 2015 to 2019. Walgreen total revenue Stats The demand and charm of this drugstore are remarkable. Taking it as an inspiration, several business owners of the pharma industry have created similar websites.  Considering this, we have got you the features that must include on the website.

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Must-Have Features in Online Pharmacy Website

Must-Have Features in Online Pharmacy Website It is known that online pharmacy is indeed a commercial business. It implies that it should have those features that are basically included in any business website.

# Mention Properly the Must-have Certifications

First and foremost, it is important to gain the trust of legitimacy. So, here, our advice is to mention every license and affiliations properly. Make it apparent to all the visitors.

# Mention the Complete Medicine Information

Include the information as demanded. Do not over explain- add as much as advised and required. Make it easy for the customers to find out the products or medicines easily. It would be best if you will highlight the essential information which is more informative and needed.

Add Customer Credentials or Reviews Section

Most of the decisions of the customers are based on the ratings and the reviews. Allow your existing customers to add the reviews as per their experience on the website. It will surely enable the new visitors to trust on your website. And, they will check out your website and the type of services you are offering.

# Integrate the Safe and Reliable Payment Options

It is one of the main features that gain the trust of the customers. You should integrate only those payment options that the customers feel safe about. Make them believe how your payment options are safer than others.

# Create a Business App

More than half of the population relies on applications.  Because it has made carrying out every business seamless.  Keeping that thing intact, now, every industry is after developing the business app. So, do you!! It is just like a complimentary thing bought.  We, as the customers find handling an app easier comparatively.  Take a step further instead of waiting!!!

# Highlight the Articles or Events

As the pharmaceutical business owner, you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders.  Adding a section or a banner that defines the health-related articles or events is a worth.  This section should have the schedules of the vaccinations or the latest news regarding any virus or flu in some areas.  Precisely, you should put every information that you think your visitor should know.

# Ensure the Privacy

Why do most of the customers prefer buying online from only reputable websites? Because they ensure privacy and convenience at the same time. They expect from you that you will not let any stone unturned to assure privacy. Double-check if your website incorporates all the safety measures that it has to. Privacy is not only legally required but is ethically relevant.

# Be Ethical and Responsible

To be in the pharma industry, you have to take every rational precaution even if you are running a physical store. You need to respect the law of the land.

# Try to be Communicative

With the pharma website, you can provide newsletters to engage more customers and visitors. In return, a mailing list will be created with the connection from your customers' email addresses.

# Notification System

It is important that your pharma website includes the notification system.  This enables you to send any alerts or notifications to your customers in the form of emails and SMS whenever required.  You can notify your customer regarding any discounts on any medicines or about the offers that you are giving.

# Mobile-friendly

As we have mentioned above as well that the world is mobile. Almost half of the website traffic is from mobile devices. This number will increase in the coming future. Assure that your website is mobile-friendly and responsive. But, when you are using WordPress, then, your website will certainly be mobile-friendly. The case may differ if you are using some other platform to create your pharma website.

# Use the Cohesive Theme

Who likes the website that has a different color and font scheme? No one! So, it is vital to have a cohesive theme to make the website look minimal and understandable. Everything on the website should be uniform; from the home page to the feature page, service page, blog page, etc. In addition, the page should be easily navigable. Do not confuse the visitor by linking one page to others, to others, etc. After perceiving the features and requirements to build an online pharmacy website, the guidelines or the essentialities must be known.

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Guidelines to Create a Pharma Website

Guidelines to Create a Pharma Website

# Follow the Laws Administering Online Pharmacies

For regulating the revenue and sales of the pharma industry, most of the countries have many guidelines and laws in place. Let's check out below of the fundamental laws governing the online pharmacy stores:

  • There should be a presence of a licensed and registered pharmacist at the head.
  • The license of the pharmacist should be legalized in the area from where the medicines are dispatching and from where the online pharmacy is selling.
  • The licensed and registered pharmacist should be in command and manage the operations, such as storing requirements, approval of the purchase and verification of the prescriptions.
  • The pharmacy should source drugs from the authorized and verified manufacturers or suppliers, selling or carrying false drugs is a crime.
  • The pharmacy should store the medicines from authorized manufacturers or suppliers.
  • As per the country you live in, your local drug regulating agency must have mentioned the medicines or items that are not to be included or sold without examining the patient.
  • In addition, your pharma premises should be approved by the local statutory body before making any sales.

# Pick and Secure the Domain Name and the Brand Name

It is one of those things that has to be done on a priority basis. If you are in a partnership or you have chosen the proprietorship, then, you have to register the brand name independently. The most essential thing is that you need to check if the domain name is available or not; check out and make the necessary action soon.

# Choose the Structure of Your Pharma Business and Get Licenses

It is important to register yourself as a pharmacist. Find out the laws of your country and operate accordingly. If you are a paid employee, or board member or business partner, you need to check if there are some constraints with this. Then, it is also important to finalize the legal structure of your online pharmacy store. You might like to register your store as, the partnership firm, single-owner proprietor, an incorporated or LLC organization. The formalities of the paperwork differs from country to country. As per the chosen structure, and the country plans you are operating, you can manage the application process and take assistance from an agency if required. In the end, check out the process of gaining suitable licenses and permits. Besides, the licensing authority can check and verify the authenticity of the prescriptions anytime.

# Know Delivery and Suppliers Partners

As the online pharmacy store owner, you know that you are handling sensitive products, such as OTC drugs, health supplements, medicated formulations etc. So, it is very much important for you to choose the suppliers rightly. We advise you to take appropriate precautionary measures and put some security efforts in finding reliable and recognized suppliers.

# Ascertain Workflow and Systems for your Online Pharmacy Store

The challenge that online pharmacists have to look after is the way they are examining the prescriptions and verifying its authenticity. While distributing the medicines, you require a powerful system to assure that there are no errors. The stocks for pharmacy automation can be considered. It improves the effectiveness and allows your staff to centralize their focus on customer-oriented and promotional activities. The other element in the workflow is the counter checks. Find out- if the technicians are evaluating the information of the drugs before dispatching? Try to maintain this culture and make everything ethical. Discover the suitable system for returning and storing the drugs or medicines that has exceeded the expiry date. Do follow all the regulations and procedures.

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Ready to Make your Online Presence??

The world is changing and it demands you to change as well. Float with the stream and get your name shine in this world!! Creating a website is the initial step towards this, there are many more things that as the business owner you have to do!! So, we hope that now you are clear that creating an online pharmacy store or pharmacy website is not a complicated task.  All you need is a powerful plan or strategy and the expert web developers that can help you to create the one. Let us know how we can help you out!! If you have some queries or suggestions related then let us know in the comment section below. Thanks for reading! All the best!!

How To Create Online Pharmacy Website


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